5 Questions About Carpet Cleaning You Should Answer Truthfully

When the carpet cleaner will arrive at your premise, they will ask you a few important questions. You must not ignore the same. Try to answer those questions truthfully so that they get the perfect idea about your expectations. Here are the five questions you must ask truthfully when asked.

carpet cleaning
carpet cleaning

How old is your carpet?

When the carpet cleaning professional visits you for the first time, his question will be, how old is the carpet? You don’t need to go to history. But yes, try to be as accurate as you can. This will give them a proper idea about which carpet washing or cleaning treatment to suggest. If you happen to maintain the carpet well then even the old carpet will look great. So, just be genuine in your answers.

Which carpet cleaning method are you looking for?

The carpet washer indeed has to suggest to you which method will be ideal for the carpets. But, there’s one more thing that they will ask you and that is, what your expectations are. If you have any specific cleaning technique in mind then you must tell them. This may include carpet dry cleaning or carpet steam cleaning depending upon your needs.

Do you have pets and kids at home?

When the carpet cleaning service person is asking you this question, it would not mean that they want to ask you some personal questions. It means that they should have some basic idea about what is the atmosphere in your home and if you have kids and pets then some sort of treatment would be suggested. After that, you may be suggested to use a carpet protector too. Your truthful answers will make a good amount of difference.

Do you prefer chemical treatments?

The carpet cleaning service might have chemical solutions and organic solvents that would be useful in cleaning the carpets. When they tell you which method you would prefer, this question should be answered rightly. You can also read the instructions on the carpet in regards to cleaning. When all these things are considered, there will be a perfect answer.

How often do you vacuum clean the carpets?

Ideally, the homeowner should vacuum clean the carpets every two days. But when you have to answer the question truthfully, be open to getting the perfect answers. You also have to think over and then answer. So, make your mind firm while you have to give the relevant answers.


If you can answer the questions of a carpet cleaner in the right way then there would be the proper treatment for sure. Be open to giving the right information so that it becomes simple for the carpet cleaning professional to get the right treatments for you. Scheduling the service in the best possible way will help in making your life easy. There can be major issues when the carpets are dirty. You should take the right steps to get them cleaned. We will provide you an obligation free quote for your carpet cleaning service.

10 Carpet-Cleaning Facts You Need to Know

Maintaining the carpet’s quality continues to be a drag for many households. Regular vacuuming and shampooing the carpet is still assumed to be the key reason for longevity of the cleaning carpets. However, there are certain facts that you simply ought to apprehend to keep your carpets in an exceedingly healthy condition. So where to find such facts?

Should we consult a professional carpet cleaner? No worries, for your convenience we’ve got ready a listing of carpet cleaning facts really work as well. 

Carpet-Cleaning Services

Therefore, Before Cleaning your Carpets Next Time Scrutinize These Interesting Facts:

  1. Pre-Vacuuming is Important –

    Prior to begin the process of carpet cleaning one must ensure to pre vacuum it first. Pre vacuuming the carpets will take away all the dirt and dust particles and prevents the extra forming mud then.
  2. Elimination of Pollutants –

    Delay in regular carpet cleaning will invite airborne toxic particles to get submerged in carpet fibers. Therefore, regular carpet cleaning in Amaroo will let you ensure the proper hygiene at your home.
  3. Cleaning Prevents Dust Mites –

    Dust mites are the microscopic creatures which gets developed within the carpet fibers. Such mites will become the explanation for allergies to you. Regular cleaning will help you get rid of dust mites.
  4. Stain Protection Must Be Preserved –

    Good quality carpet brands always install a layer of stain protection on the carpets. These stain protection layer helps the carpet to eliminate light stains. Wear and tear of such a layer may degrade the carpet’s quality much earlier. Therefore, one must ensure the proper care of these stain protection.
  5. Neutralization of Detergents –

    Almost all the cleansing material contains alkaline compounds, so here acidic conditioning must be as a part of the cleaning process and gives a soft touch to the carpet fibers.
  6. Professional Carpet Cleaning is Necessary –

    DIY hacks for carpet cleaning results out to be effective only for a short period. So, for much better outcomes professional cleaning these experts bring in heavy machinery.
  7. Carpet Brushes Reduces The Carpet Quality –

    Frequent use of carpet brushes will lead to the wear and tear of carpet fibers as the bristle of these brushes leaves a harsh bad impact on it as well.
  8. Regular Cleaning for Longer Living –

    Regular carpet cleaning ensures long lifetime of the carpet as it helps to prevent the dust particles to enter in the carpet and health of your family is taken care when you have kids as they are vulnerable to diseases.
  9. “Wet Dog” Smell Vanishes With Time –

    If you have a woolen carpet then the natural sulphur present in the wool sets off a gas leaving a stinky “wet dog”. But, don’t worry this is a natural occurrence of smell and it only lasts till the carpet is totally dried.
  10. 14 Day Satisfaction Guarantee –

    Professional Carpet cleaners legally bound to provide a 14 day satisfaction guarantee to their clients. If not then you can knock the doors of consumer courts.